Competition Timeline
- We have been overwhelmed by both the number of entries as well as the quality of submissions received for this competition. We are in our final discussions on which tracks will feature on the record. We will be in touch with our competition winners early next week.
Submission Process
Judging Criteria
Intellectual Property
Competition Timeline
Launch Date: Friday 8th March
Submission Period: 4 Weeks
Submissions Close: 11.59pm Friday 5th April NZDT
Deliberation period: 1 week
Winners Announced: Friday 12th April
Record Launch: Friday 17th May
Open to independent musicians worldwide.
Participants must be 18 years or older to enter, or have parent/guardian consent upon submission.
Submitted tracks do not need to be mastered for Vinyl initially, we will accept digital files for the judging process. If selected as a winner you will need to master your track for Vinyl.
Submissions are open to exisiting or unreleased tracks, that is up to the artist.
All Genres/Styles of music are welcome, we only ask that you consider what ILU stands for as a brand when submitting.
Submitted tracks do not need to be created specifically for this competition nor do they need to relate in any way to I Love Ugly.
Winning artists will need to have their track mastered for Vinyl.
Submissions must be originals, covers or remixes will not be accepted.
Collaborative tracks are welcome but please note that the prize for winning will not increase based on the number of artists on the track.
There is no minimum track length but tracks should be no longer than 4 minutes.
Submission Process
Participants are required to send their submission to our dedicated email address with the subject line ILU x Holiday Vinyl - 'your name'
Submissions should include the track title, your contact information, as well as any other details you think we should know.
The final selection will be decided by a panel of judges consisting of Holiday Records, I Love Ugly and Chester Watson.
The panel will select 8-12 tracks for this record - due to the nature of vinyl we have 48 minutes in total, so the number of winning submissions may change due to track lengths.
All decisions are final.
Each musician named as a winner will receive:
2x copies of the record.
Collaborative merchandise from ILU x Holiday Records.
Intellectual Property
I Love Ugly will not own the rights to your music, each artist will be in complete ownership of their song. I Love Ugly will license the song from the artist for use on this compilation record. All unsuccessful tracks will not be used by I Love Ugly in any way without prior discussion with the artist.